Category Archives: Uncategorized

Game Dev Unchained Podcast Interview

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Hi guys! Jeff here. I had a great time chatting with Larry Charles and Brandon Pham at the Game Dev Unchained Podcast yesterday. I discussed my career in AAA development, teaching in higher education, and creating indie games full time. The podcast is embedded below (some adult language).

These guys are awesome! If you are at all interested in game development, or are currently working in the industry, definitely subscribe to their podcast, as they chat with developers each week about the nitty-gritty of working in games. Here’s a link to their site: You can also find their podcast on iTunes.

Teaser “Transmission” Videos are a Go!

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We are excited to launch our series of teaser “Transmission” videos, which offer a brief glimpse into the world and gameplay of Anew: The Distant Light. Be sure to watch in 1080p, 60fps!

We will release new Transmission videos on a regular basis, so please keep an eye on the blog, sign up for the newsletter on the website, subscribe to our YouTube channel, and follow/like us on Facebook and Twitter.
